Hard air magazine offers an expanding selection of hard copy airgun books. To buy our titles, please check out the descriptions for links to reputable dealers or amazon. Buy the practical guide to airgun hunting by jim chapman, 2nd edition at pyramyd air from convenience of your home. Airguns also tend to be quiet a useful advantage if lowimpact hunting is necessary. Some info is specific to great britain as typical for air rifle hunting books. The practical guide to airgun hunting american airgun hunter. Buy air guns at sportsmans warehouse online and instore has everything for your outdoor sports adventure needs. Covering all elements of the sport from the nitty gritty though not frighteningly technical workings of the air rifle to how to choose the right gun, using sights, ammunition, accessories, clothing, camouflage, setting up, shooting techniquesstances, the law and.
There you will find masses of information that will be of interest to anyone whos thinking about these specific airguns. The air file refers to a weapon that operates on pneumatics in order to propel a project via compressed air or gas. Pest bird hunting with edgun matador pcp air rifle youtube. Explains how to maintain, dismantle and make repairs that are typically needed.
Starting with the basics of choosing the right gun. As a guide to beginning hunting with an air rifle i cant fault this book. These books give detailed information on particular airgun models. Airpowered guns offer many useful possibilities for informed shooters. This new publication is, without doubt, one of the most authoritative.
Discover delightful childrens books with prime book box, a subscription that delivers new books every 1, 2, or 3 months new customers receive 15% off your. This book lays out the ins and outs of the main varieties of air rifles and allows the shooter to make an informed decision before spending hard earned money on an air rifle. Excellent book for the novice and that basic air rifle shooter wanting to step up into a more advanced gun. Hunting with air rifles is a complete guide to the basics of using an air rifle a gun which is gaining in popularity in the uk. I really like the ethical section which sets the scene for responsible hunting. The complete guide to hunting with air rifles wadeson, peter on. The author john darling was a much respected writer and photographer in the fields of air rifle hunting and fishing and had contributed to air rifle magazines for many years and i used to look forward to reading his articles each month. While the books have met with some degree of success, i wanted to reach a broader audience. The ideal book for enthusiasts wishing to practice air gun maintenance or curious to know how air guns work.
Book depository books with free delivery worldwide. Duck hunting with pcp air rifle scope cam hunting video form youtube 2017 by imran khan. Lots of photos and logically laid out in an easy to follow manner. Mathew manning combines a good deal of practical information and e.
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